Just thought I'd do a little update on behalf of Erica, seeing as she can only get online over at her sisters house.
She is doing well, but getting more and more nervous each day...not that I blame her. She tells me she's more worried about the flying bit than anything else, but I think the enormity of her upcoming adventure is slowly sinking in. All I can do is reassure her that I will be there for her, through thick and thin, good and bad, and that I will look after her and give her all my love and support.
To all of her friend-bloggers who drop by here and know Erica, I promise to do all of the above, and more. She deserves no less and will not get anything less from me.
All for now, just watch this space for updates:D
Ps. When Erica leaves NY, it's probably going to be in the low 40's...when she lands in Adelaide on Wednesday, it's going to be a mild 93F. My poor baby. I was sooooo hoping it wasn't going to be hot when she comes here:(