Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday Dinner and Monday Lazy Bastardness...

Me hiding behind Jakey. Monday laziness.

I made a meat pie for last nights dinner. It came out great except for a couple of over done parts on the crust. I used ground turkey meat instead of ground beef this time. Other than that I use onions, assorted spices, and loads of cottage cheese. It may sound gross but the cottage cheese melts like ricotta cheese.


Melody said...

Goodness you do a lot of cooking. The only cooking I've done in months was pulling apart pre-cut chunks of cookie dough and putting them on a baking sheet in the oven.

Emily said...

The microwave is my friend.

That pizza looks spectacular.

R.E.H. said...

Overdone parts on the crust? Where? It looks perfect.

If you'd seen one that I'd made, you'd know what overdone parts on the crust would look like - trust me ;)

Beautifully Profound said...

It kind of does look like a pizza doesn't it? It's a meat pie though. Not a pie as in a pizza pie. As in like, a cherry pie. With meat and cottage cheese.