I know, I know, I sure have left this space a bit ghost town-esque. Life happens I suppose and I've been really bloody busy.
Mik and I have gotten married. Finally! All that bitching and moaning about not being together and WHAM, we've done it.
Job hunt went well, I am working two jobs now. Which is great considering it's extremely boring hanging out at home all day. So now I make money! I am really enjoying work here one of my jobs is retail. The other one is working at a nursing home, cleaning and working in the kitchen. Not glamorous but it pays a hell of a lot more than what I was making in the states.
Mik and I have settled down quite nicely. Getting into the normal routine of working and being an old married couple. We are really loving life right now.
As for the internet service. Well out here we can only really get dial-up. Is that enough said? If we want to get satellite it would cost us big time, and seeing since we are both so cheap we will wait until the price goes down or they bring in cable internet. So as far as making posts it takes a long time to upload and post blog entries. Thus part of the reason I have been so slack in making entries.
Well, I suppose that's all for now. We are going to go be domestic and get some groceries. Hope all is well with everyone. Take care and BE GOOD.