Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Random Paintings and Questions...

She looks so innocent, and then you look at her hand and what she has in it. Do you think she was mad? Or was it an calculated act or revenge?


Emily said...

She looks like she might be sad or in a daze. The head does seem out-of-place.

R.E.H. said...

That was an interesting piece of art. Yeah, I agree with emily there... she seems to be asking "why? why would someone decapitate my husband?"

Beautifully Profound said...

I guess I'm just morbid for thinking that she cut that fellows head off. It happens from time to time I suppose.

R.E.H. said...

No, no... I think you're right!

Isn't that a sword she's holding in the other hand?

Mik said...

I think she just likes giving head...

Melody said...

I think it's probably supposed to be a picture of the girl who danced before the king and asked for John the Baptist's head on a platter.

I know they're in European clothing, but during the Renaisance that's how they painted bible stories.