Monday, January 07, 2008

Love love love LOVE this painting.

Such a dramatic depiction. Arms outstretched to save this human from utter and most imminent obliteration. The shark is so close to that mans head it's nerve racking. I wonder if this is a painting done in the memory of something that had really happened? If it did really happen what a traumatic experience.


Unknown said...

It might be an interesting painting, especially one to discuss, but I'm not sure I'd want it or a copy of it hanging in my house. Too freaky/sad.

Emily said...
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Gary Lynch said...

The painting does depict a true event, if you read the story in the following link it truely is a horrifiying story:

It's an excellent painting anyway.

Mik said...

Yes, we'll be getting a copy of it to hang on the wall above our bed...