Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Emergency Post

K so this is my emergency post. In case I forget to make a post tonight due to exhaustion.

I know I know I am totally laming out on this NaBloPoMo thing. But I really really am trying.


Emily said...

Excellent emergency post!

Emily said...

I might have to steal your emergency post format in the future.

R.E.H. said...

Here's some advice:

Keep a pen and paper, a small tape-recorder (like the one Agent Cooper uses in Twin Peaks) or a palm-pilot handy. That way you can quickly write or speak little ideas about what you shall blog about come the end of the day.

I use a small txt document on my computer where I write everything down, and when I'm stomped for ideas one day - I'll just grab something out of that document.

Good luck, and keep fighting!