Monday, December 17, 2007

Asshole of the week award goes out to...

All the people who snow blow or get their driveways plowed and block the sidewalk. Today was terrible walking to and from work. All these douchebags blocking the sidewalk with their knee deep snow piles and in some cases in some spots chin deep. Apparently they don't think people actually walk anywhere in the winter and the sidewalk doesn't need to be cleared. Walking through snow like that is like walking through COLD sand. My legs were frozen by the time I got home. I thought for sure there would be frostbite involved.

Anyway, props go out to the guy on the corner of one of the streets that I walk down. He makes a nice clear path on the side walk. He's a nice old guy who actually offered me a ride one day when it was raining. But you know, your inner child kicks in and says, don't accept rides from strangers. No matter how sweet and innocent they look.

Oh yah, another positive was....I only worked until 5 today!!!!!!!!!!! I love working a whole hell of a lot more when I don't have to work sweat shop hours.


Emily said...

I'm sorry about the pain of walking to and from work. I guess some of us forget people walk.

Beautifully Profound said...

Not your fault! Unless you have a snowblower and/or your driveway plowed. :p Then it's all your fault. (kidding :-D)

R.E.H. said...

Lucky you... I constantly do 12+ hour days until Christmas is over and done with...