Sunday, December 02, 2007

Gettin around to that tag

  • Provide a link to the person who tagged you, and spell out the rules of the meme on your blog.

  • Share 7 (seven) random and/or weird facts about yourself. (I believe this is the part that constitutes an actual meme)

  • Tag 7 (seven) random bloggers with this meme and post links to their blogs at the end of this post. (Free advertisement, and for some - a pain in the butt... from what I hear)

  • Let those who have been tagged know so by leaving a comment on their blog, and telling them where to find information regarding the meme they are now obliged to do.

REH from Ramblings Of A Madman was the one who tagged me for this beast.

*Note to reader, I know some or none of you may know these facts about me, I was just having a brain freeze so just take em as they come.

1. OK for the first one, I am going to go straight to the dirt. I've been married before. For less than a year I was married to a guy in the Army. I was young dumb and lonely. Surely no reasons to tie the knot. But such is life. You learn from your mistakes. Hopefully.

2. Pickles are my favorite food. MMMM Pickles.

3. Christmas used to be my favorite holiday. Until I started working retail and things started getting ridiculous.

4. I totally love Justin Timberlake. His voice is like an angel from up above.

5. Before work everyday, I watch cartoons. Mostly "Spongebob".

6. I was afraid to come back to the United States from Canada because I thought the world was going to end before Mik and I could end up together. Now I don't think that will happen until at least 2009.

7. I am afraid of the dark.

I am going to go with the random blog selections to pass the MEME along too.

Phew that was harsh. That will be the one and only MEME thing I will do. The only reason I did do it is because the kind REH tagged me. Anyways, have a relaxing Sunday.

1 comment:

R.E.H. said...

See? That wasn't so bad... now was it? ;) Just pulling your chain a little ;)

Now... on to my comments.

Pickles... can't stand'em.

So with you on the christmas/retail combo deal.

Sure hope you're not implying the world is going to end in 2009... because I've got places to go, things to do... wouldn't be enough time...