Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Matter Of 5 Seconds...

So, off I drove to work this morning, with the voice of Erica telling me to drive safely ringing in my ears (:p), as she does every morning, and drive safely I did. There I was minding my own business, coming up to a blind corner, eyes straight ahead, sitting on a sedate 100kmh, when up ahead I noticed a car come screaming from the other direction, watched it as the arse end of the car slid out, looked on in horror as it shot across the road and into an embankment, did a full two spins and ended up facing the way it was supposed to, but in the verge on MY side of the road.
I slowed down, not really wanting to stop for the fear of what I might find, but felt I had to after what I'd just witnessed, to see if the driver was ok and needed help. It was some young guy, early 20's, badly shaken but generally fine, with a now smashed up car. The front end had been stoved in a bit, the exhaust had been ripped a full 90 degrees and was poking out behind the rear left tyre. He'd just missed sliding the car into a big drainage ditch, which in my opinion would have made him end up in hospital, or worse, and I told him so, adding "how lucky he was".
The car was bogged in the grass, so I helped him get it out, which we did after I told him how to use the rocking method, which he'd never heard of. He thanked me for stopping and off we went on our way again.
All morning I kept thinking "how lucky he was" until it suddenly occurred to me..."Fuck him! What about me?" IF I had been 5 seconds earlier into my trip to work, I would have plowed head-on into this idiot as he spun out and crossed onto my side of the road. I would have had my engine sitting in my lap. I, in all likelihood would not be posting on here for a time to come...if I was lucky. Which it seems I was, this time.
Having thought about this all day, a number of things came to my mind as to the cause of this "near-hit", although I'm no expert.
First, the fucker was speeding, of that I have no doubt. The sudden way he appeared from around the corner, and the speed he appeared to be doing as he came unstuck makes me believe he would have been doing at least 120kmh. Ok, I'll admit I've taken that corner close to that...but not in the fucking WET!
Which brings me to point number two. It's been really dry here, no decent amount of rain for weeks if not months, until last night and this morning. Roads in these conditions get a nice build up of shit on them: oil, rubber, dirt, you name it. Add a sudden layer of water to that, an off-camber corner and it's a cocktail for an inexperienced speeding driver to suddenly become a passenger in an out of control car, and a threat to others who share these same roads.

My point in all of this rant is: be a dickhead driver for all I care. Just don't involve anyone else in your stupidity when shit hits the fan.

Ps. Angel, I love you so much. You are always on my mind, more so today, if that's possible. Always, in all ways.


Unknown said...

Wow! Glad you weren't touched!

Beautifully Profound said...

No kidding, you are a lucky boy. Lord knows I would have totally freaked out and you know first hand how I get when you are ill. Remembering Angelina Jolie's lips and the emergency room. That was a mild freak out to if you would have been in an accident. Thank you for listening to the words I speak to you everyday. Oh and drive carefully to work hunny bunny. <3